Friday, November 11, 2011

The Healthcare Puzzle

I spend much of my days assessing and counseling family and home situations to make it possible for older adults to stay independent in their own homes for as long as possible. But sometimes hospitals, clinics, skilled-nursing facilities, and other forms of outside-the-home health care services are necessary and important.

The question marks about the future of our health care system and, specifically, about available options for quality and affordable care to our elders, ring in my ears at night. What will the future hold for my clients, my friends and family . . . and for me?

This video of an interview from The CEO TV Show is helpful in considering the possibilities. George Halvorson, Chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, talks about the flawed puzzle pieces of our nation's current approach to providing healthcare services. He discusses how to get ahead in terms of addressing issues before they become crises, how to level the playing field, and how to lower costs.

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